Professor Melih Eriten's Journal Publications

1.   Usta, A. D., and Eriten, M. "Presliding friction characteristics in asperity-scale and rough contacts." JAM (in preparation).

2.   Patil, D., and Eriten, M. "An extended finite element model (XFEM) for sliding inception of a rigid flat-on-sphere." IJSS     


3.   Elmquist, J., and Eriten, M. "A nonlinear acoustic emission sensor design for nanoscale material failure monitoring." JSV 


4.   Kurt, M., Eriten, M., McFarland, D. M., Bergman, L. A., and Vakakis, A. F., " Frequency-Energy Plots of Steady State     

      Solutions for Forced and Damped Systems and Vibration Isolation by Nonlinear Mode Localization," CNSNS (in press).

5.   Kurt, M., Eriten, M., McFarland, D. M., Bergman, L. A., and Vakakis, A. F., "Strongly Nonlinear Beats in the Dynamics of an     

      Elastic System with a Strong Local Stiffness Nonlinearity: Analysis and Identification," JSV (in press). 

6.   Eriten, M., Kurt, M., Luo, G., McFarland, D. M., Vakakis, A. F., and Bergman, L. A., “Nonlinear System Identification of     

      Frictional Effects in a Beam with Bolted Joint Connection,” MSSP, doi: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2013.03.003 . 

7.   Truster, T., Eriten, M., Polycarpou, A. A., Bergman, L. A., and Masud, A., “A New Computational Method for Mechanical     

      Joints: Physics-Based Models and Variationally Consistent Embedding,” IJSS, doi: 10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2013.02.020. 

8.   Chandrasekar, S., Eriten, M., and Polycarpou, A. A., “An Improved Normal Contact Model Accounting for Asperity 

      Interaction,” ASME JAM, doi: 10.1115/1.4007212, 2012. 

9.   Eriten, M., Polycarpou, A. A., and Bergman, L. A., “A Physics-based Friction Model and Integration to a Simple Dynamical 

      System,” ASME JVA, 134, 051012, 2012.

10. Eriten, M., Lee, C.-H., and Polycarpou, A. A., “Tangential Stiffness of Mechanical Joints: Direct Measurements versus 

      Contact Resonance Method,” Trib. Int., 50, 35-44, 2012. 

11. Eriten, M., Petlicki, D., Polycarpou, A. A., and Bergman, L. A., “Influence of Friction and Adhesion on the Onset of Plasticity 

      During Normal Loading of Spherical Contacts,” Mech. of Mater., 48, 26-42, 2012. 

12. Eriten, M., Polycarpou, A. A., and Bergman, L. A., “Effects of Surface Roughness and Lubrication on the Early Stages of     

      Fretting of Mechanical Lap Joints,” Wear, 271, 11-12, 2928-39, 2011.

13. Eriten, M., Polycarpou, A. A., and Bergman, L. A., “Physics-based Modeling for Fretting Behavior of Nominally Flat Rough 

      Surfaces,” IJSS, 48, 10, 1436-50, 2011.

14. Eriten, M., Polycarpou, A. A., and Bergman, L. A., “Development of a Lap Joint Fretting Apparatus,” Exp. Mech., 51, 8, 

     1405-19, 2011. 

15. Eriten, M., Polycarpou, A. A., and Bergman, L. A., "Surface Roughness Effects on Energy Dissipation in Fretting Contact of 

      Nominally Flat Surfaces," ASME JAM, 78, 2, 021011, 2011.

16. Vakis, A., Eriten, M., and Polycarpou, A. A., “Modeling Bearing and Shear Forces in Molecularly Thin Lubricants,” Trib. Lett.,

      41, 3, 573-86, 2011.

17. Eriten, M., Polycarpou, A. A., and Bergman, L. A., “Physics-based Modeling for Partial Slip Behavior of Spherical Contacts,”

      IJSS, 47, 18-19, 2554-2567, 2010.

18. Lee, C.-H., Eriten, M., and Polycarpou, A. A., “Application of Elastic-Plastic Static Friction Models to Rough Surfaces with 

      Asymmetric Asperity Distribution,” ASME J. of Trib., 132, 3, 031602, 2010.

19. Eriten, M. and Dankowicz, H., “A rigorous dynamical-systems-based analysis of the self-stabilizing influence of muscles,” 

      ASME J. Biomechanical Engineering, 131, 1, 011011, 2009.